08 Feb The campaign for Pilgrim’s Office volunteers is underway
As in previous years, at the Cathedral of Santiago work has begun on the 2016 volunteer campaign for welcoming pilgrims at the Pilgrim Office and the Christian Welcome Hostels along the Way. This is a very important and highly rated initiative among the pilgrims who arrive at the Cathedral of Santiago every day, who feel welcomed and hosted in their own language and can share experiences with others. These volunteers provide their services in the new Pilgrim’s Reception Centre, located in the former old people’s home in Rúa das Carretas. They are given a short training course beforehand.
In addition, another volunteer programme is also launched for “Hospitaleros del Camino”; these are volunteers who help to attend to pilgrims in hostels run by the Church and religious orders. For 2016, volunteers are required for the following hostels: Las Carbajalas, in León, Las Agustinas, in Carrión de los Condes, the Parish Hostel of Foncebadón, the San Nicolás de Flüe Hostel, in Ponferrada, El Acebo Parish Hostel and the hostel of the Siervas de María in Astorga.
The volunteer shifts will be organised by fortnights, throughout the year. To participate as a volunteer you just need to apply at the Pilgrim’s Reception Office (Rúa das Carretas, 33) or by email: info@acogidacristianaenelecamino.es or telephone: 981 56 88 46.