02 Feb The Cathedral of Santiago organises an encounter for priests of the Way of St. James
Under the title “La Iglesia en los caminos”, on 15th and 16th February an encounter will be held for priests whose pastoral activity is related to the Way of St. James. This initiative is organised by Acogida Cristiana en el Camino, under the Pilgrim’s Office, in order to encourage and improve pastoral care for pilgrims, especially in the current times. The speakers at the event will be the Dean of the Faculty of Theology of Salamanca, Gonzalo Tejerina, the Coordinator of the “Peregrinus” Project, host programme for pilgrims in Santiago de Compostela, Father Sergio García Soto, and the Dean of the Cathedral of Santiago, Segundo Pérez.
In a letter to the priests of the Way, the Archbishop of Santiago, Julián Barrio, reminds them that “it is our vocation to announce the joy of the Gospel to all. In a very special way, in this brand new Year of Mercy during which many pilgrims direct their steps towards the Gate of Mercy of our Cathedral of Compostela”.
He also reminds them that “this is the goal of the Acogida Cristiana en el Camino with the training and distribution of volunteer hosts to the church-owned hostels and the Pilgrim’s Reception Office in Santiago de Compostela. Also by organising encounters, conferences, etc.”.
To register for the encounter you can apply by phone on 981 56 88 46 or email info@acogidacristianaeenelcamino.es.
Monday 15th February
-17.30 Reception at San Martiño Pinario
-18.00 Welcome and speech by the Honourable Rev. Julián Barrio Barrio,
Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela.
-19.30 Pilgrim’s Mass at the Cathedral
Tuesday 16th February
-10.00 “Pastoral challenges and offers for the New Evangelisation of the Ways of St. James”. Gonzalo Tejerina Arias, Dean of the Faculty of Theology of Salamanca
-11.00 “Role and coordination of Priests and Communities in welcoming pilgrims”. Father Sergio García Soto, Jesuit coordinator of the project “Peregrinus” de acogida en Santiago de Compostela”
-12.00 “Coordination proposals and guidelines in the goal of the pilgrimage”. Segundo L. Pérez López, Dean of the Cathedral of Santiago
-12.30 Group meeting
-13.30 Conclusions and closing